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The Surface NYC :: Opera Singer

The Surface NYC :: Opera Singer

THE SURFACE NYC [42nd Street Grand Central] TS NYC :: ''As I walked to scout the next The Surface NYC talent, I heard the echo of a powerful, melodic tune in the long hallway of Grand central station, I met Alejandro, such an amazing talent, dancer Katrina Moise was just a walking by stander who decided to videobomb the filming by dancing to his music, which ended up being a beautiful and powerful performance by both Alejandro and Kat, their chemistry was amazing, was not planned or rehearsed in any way, just true natural talent, the art of bringing individuals together through music'' Opera Singer :: "Yo soy cantante de ópera, el estilo lírico es lo que he hecho toda mi vida. Desde que era un niño imitaba a Plácido Domingo y estudié y soy graduado de la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba, en canto lírico, pero soy versátil, no me gusta encasillarme, hago todo tipo de repertorio". "El subway de Nueva York ha sido una plataforma increíble. Cuando yo lllegué a esta ciudad estaba preocupado por dónde iba a estudiar, dónde iba a cantar, y sabes, estaba como estancado, de repente un día con mis amigos pasé por el Subway, y bromeando con ellos me puse aa cantar a ver si alguien me daba un dólar, sabes, bromando con ellos y de repente me di cuenta de que a las personas yo les gustaba, entonces me dije: Ah no, espérate, ya tengo un lugar donde ensayar! Empecé a venir acá a cantar, y visualizaba en mi mente, este es mi lugar para practicar todo los días y de repente de convirtió en un lugar para hacer un concierto diariamente, porque la gente te hace sentir que estás en un concierto, cuando te graban con un celular yo me imagino que me están grabando en la televisión, no sé es un reto maravilloso, a mi me encanta". TRANSLATION: "I am an opera singer, lyrical style is what I have done all my life. Since I was a child always imitating Placido Domingo, I studied, I am a graduate of the University Arts of Cuba, opera singing, but I'm versatile, I do not like to pigeonhole myself, I make all kinds of repertoire". The New York City subway has been an incredible platform. When I arrived to this city, I was worried about where I would go to school and where I was going to sing, and you know, I was stagnant, suddenly one day with my friends we went into the Subway, and jokingly I got up to sing to see if anyone would give me a dollar, you know, joking with them and suddenly I realized that people liked my work, so I said: Oh, wait!, now I have a place to rehearse! I started coming here to sing, and visualized in my mind, this is my place of practice which would suddenly became my every day concert, because people in the subway make you feel like you're at a concert, when the people record me with their cell phones I imagine myself being recorded for TV, it's a wonderful challenge, I love it". [Dancer] Katrina Moise Facebook // Katrina Moise Instagram // @Trinamo7

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Web Design By Alejandro Salvia  

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